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Friday, August 19, 2022

Are Roman Catholics Christians?

Are you saved? Do you know for sure? Are you headed to heaven? You can know for sure! Click on the slide below: Are Roman Catholics Christian? Then click on the image to advance the Slide Presentation.

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Basic Beliefs:

  • It's beginning goes to when Jesus told Peter, "upon this rock will I build my church." They believe Peter was that rock and therefore the first Pope.
  • They claim that the structure of the Roman Catholic Church is based upon the early church.
  • They claim that the Bible is their final authority, but in practice it is Papal infallibility.
  • They added the Apocrypha to the Bible which is where most of their doctrine comes from.
  • They claim that the Bible should be interpreted based upon church tradition.
  • When the Pope speaks from his chair it is infallible "Scripture", regardless if it contradicts Scripture.


  • They acknowledge that Jesus is the Son of God, but their view is off.
  • To the Catholic the sacrifice of Jesus is insufficient. Salvation can only come throught the church.
  • Jesus is not their mediator, the priest is, as he is the one who forgives them of their sins.
  • They rarely if ever pray to Jesus, but to saints, other people, and Mary.
  • They repeat the death of Christ through transubstantiation, the bread and wine become the literal body and blood of Christ.


They have 7 sacraments that provide salvation:

  1. baptism
  2. confirmation
  3. penance
  4. eucharist
  5. holy orders
  6. matrimony
  7. and annointing the sick.

  • Each time they observe the Eucharist it brings a piece of salvation.
  • Salvation is available because of Christ, but can only be obtained by works.

Witness Focus:

  • Ask them how a person gets to heaven.
  • Show them that we can never be good enough on our own. It is by grace, through faith, NOT OF WORKS. (Ephesians 2:8-9)

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