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Showing posts with label Jehovah Witnesses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jehovah Witnesses. Show all posts

Friday, August 19, 2022


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Christian Research Institute
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Jehovah Witnesses

Basic Beliefs:

  • Charles Taze Russell, the founder of the Watchtower Society began his search because of his fear of Hell.
  • He learned from the Seventh Day Adventists that "there is no hell."
  • From this point he began his "search for the truth" , of which the Jehovah's Witnesses are the result.
  • They claim that the Bible is their final authority, but also claim that the common person is unable to understand it, and therefore needs the assistance of their literature.
  • They place the writings and sayings of their literature above the Bible in practice.


  • They deny the deity of Jesus claiming, Jesus is not God but "a god".
  • They teach that Jesus was actually the angel Michael in spirit form, but Michael in-dwelled the body of Jesus.
  • They also teach that when Jesus arose, his physical body disappeared and Michael took on human appearance and pretended to be Jesus. Therefore at this time Jesus does not exist, just Michael.


  • Salvation to the Jehovah's Witnesses is one of works.
  • Originally they claimed that only 144,000 would go to heaven, but as they grew they changed it to the original 144,000 will go to heaven, the rest will live on a "paradise earth".
  • They deny the existence of hell, and those that reject the "truth" are simply annihilated.
  • A person obtains salvation by faithfully adhering to the commands of the Watchtower Society, after they are baptized into the Society.
  • If a person does not obey the leadership they are dis-fellow-shipped and condemned to be destroyed.

Witness Focus:

  • Ask them how much is "enough" to attain salvation.
  • Ask them how they attain righteousness as "the righteous inherit the earth." (Psalms 37:29)
  • Show them how we can never be good enough to earn salvation.

>>> Jehovah Witnesses Exposed on Video <<<

Links:'s_Witnesses (highly recommended)

Contact the Jehovah's Witnesses main HQ:

General requests for information should be directed to:

Jehovah’s Witnesses

900 Red Mills Road

WALLKILL NY 12589-3223


+1 845-744-6000

Jehovah Witnesses Exposed on Video

The Jehovah Witnesses use a faulty bible they claim to be "superior" to the other translations. They use the New World Translation. Watch the 3-minute video below to learn more about their faulty bible translation.

29:11 Ministries: Dr Aaron Dawson mini sermons

The Creation Podcast - ICR

Living Waters

Pathway To Victory - Dr Robert Jeffress

5:11 News

CARM Videos

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