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Showing posts with label Science. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Science. Show all posts

Friday, August 19, 2022

Christian Science


Mary Baker Eddy

Born: Mary Morse Baker July 16, 1821 Bow, New Hampshire
Died: December 3, 1910 (aged 89) Newton, Massachusetts

Basic Beliefs:

  • Founded by Mary Baker Eddy who took most of her ideas from the teachings of faith healer Phineas P. Quimby.
  • According to Quimby, all diseases are caused by invisible factors in the mind and that it was possible for a healer to take the illness and destroy it.
  • Based on this philosophy, Eddy stated that all causation is mental and that every effect was of the mind.
  • Because of this, illness, death, sickness, lust, hatred, and all things tragic do not really exist and all one must do is decide they don't exist.
  • "God is in all and all is in God."
  • They deny the existence of matter. All is metaphysical.


  • Jesus and Christ are different entities. Jesus existed, but Christ is the measure of perfection in us all.
  • Since death does not exist, Jesus did not really die.
  • They teach that Jesus was a fallible being that attained perfection as an example for us all.
  • "Life, truth, and love represent the trinity. They are merely principle, not being.


  • They teach that one sacrifice for all mankind was insufficient for salvation. It requires "constant self-emulation" of the individual.
  • Sin and death do not really exist, so Christ came to destroy the effects of sin, to show it is possible to rise above it.
  • "Hell is what you make of it in this life."
  • "Work out your own salvation is the cry of life and love."

Witness Focus:

  • Point out that since Mary Baker Eddy died and is in the grave, death exists and is inevitable.
  • "It is appointed unto man once to die, and then the judgement." (Hebrews 9:27)
  • Ask them if they are ready to stand before a holy, righteous God, and show them that they are not.

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