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Monday, August 22, 2022

Articles: Presenting the Gospel


Presenting the Gospel

It is imperative that as we prepare to present the Gospel to lost friends, family, acquaintances and co-workers, that we understand what we are presenting and the Scriptural means in which to present it. According to Scripture, there are three essential elements of salvation:

1. Repentance of sin.(Luke 13:3)

2. Belief in the person and sacrifice of Christ.(Mark 1:15)

3. Obedience to God and His commands.(1 John 5:3)


    • To adequately repent a person must understand what they are repenting from and why it is necessary to repent.

    • To believe in the person and sacrifice of Jesus Christ one must have a correct understanding of who Jesus is and what was accomplished by His sacrifice.

    • One must obey in continual and faithful reading and application of Scripture, prayer, attendance and involvement in a church, and genuine consistent service.

When we present the Gospel, whatever outline we may use, it must contain the following elements:

1. A personal realization of one’s true sinful state and the result of an unrepentant attitude.

2. A description of what Christ accomplished in His life, death and resurrection.

3. An individual’s responsibility to receive salvation.

4. An opportunity for the individual to pray and receive Christ.

No matter what outline or method you follow the leading of the Holy Spirit in using, it must be Scriptural. We cannot allow our preferences to interfere, for this is a spiritual work. We are simply preparing the way for Christ. It’s His work, and therefore we must do it His way. Pray, study, practice and prepare to get involved in the work of the Gospel. Here are a few more tips to help you in implementing what you have prepared to use.

    • Don’t skip or gloss over any element of the outline. Sin is an abomination. Christ’s salvation is complete. Surrender must be total.

    • Don’t attempt to force, persuade, or convince a person to receive Christ. Simply present them with the information and the choice.

    • Don’t pray for them, have them pray. If they aren’t sure what to say give them an illustration or an example. Have them pray it!

    • Don’t tell them they are saved, let the Holy Spirit do it. Let their assurance come from God.

    • If they don’t want to make a commitment at the time, thank them for talking to you and encourage them to think about what you have discussed.

    • If they do pray to receive Christ, convey the necessity for them to get involved in a Bible-preaching church. Make some suggestions of some in the area. Don’t get involved in “denomination bashing.”

authored by: Dr. Aaron Dawson

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Sermons: Do you love Me?


Subject: "Do you love Me?"
Example: Peter's Response to Jesus' Question.
Speaker: Dr. Aaron Dawson
Date: Sunday Morning : 08-21-2022

Jesus asks Peter, "Do you love Me?"
Foundational: Are you in love with Jesus?
It must be a love for Christ!

  1. It gives me a focus.
  2. It gives me a motivation.
  3. It gives me a methodology.
Take the love and share it with others.
Go and make a impact on others.

Friday, August 19, 2022


Web Links



On our main website, you'll find a wealth of free material, articles, online audio, and downloadable tools to assist you in reaching the lost with the Gospel of Christ.

Get inspired by our television program featuring Kirk Cameron and Ray Comfort. Watch them as they go out and put Biblical evangelism principles into practice before your very eyes. Get ready to be motivated!
Join students from across the world as they learn the principles of Biblical Evangelism in our online school. (Scholarships are available for those in financial need.)

Answers in Genesis
Get the answers from Genesis and expose the flaws of Darwinism and humanistic philosophy. Find out how real science supports creation, not evolution.

Blue Letter Bible
The Blue Letter Bible now has over 3,560,000 links onsite to over 165,000 pages of concordances, lexicons, dictionaries, commentaries, images, and Bible versions!

Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry
Provides information on Christianity, the Bible, cults such as Mormonism and Jehovah's Witnesses, Theology, Atheism, Evolution, and much more. It is well documented, very easy to navigate, and growing.

Christian Research Institute
A very good organization that has answers to just about any question about false religions, cults, and false teachers within the Church. If you want to know whether or not someone or thing lines up with what the Bible teaches, check this site out.

Home page of one of the largest Christian Web sites - providing answers to important questions about life, faith, religion, creation, worldviews, and more. It also features online Bible study tools, Kid Explorers, movie reviews, games...

Mark Cahill
Mark Cahill, a powerful and dynamic speaker, teaches people how to share their faith with confidence and compassion. We highly recommend his book "One Thing You Can't Do In Heaven." Check out his website!

Open Air Campaigners
Open Air Campaigners is an exciting cutting-edge ministry that brings the gospel to people through open-air preaching on college campuses, beaches, parks, city streets, and housing projects. They offer exciting short-term mission trips in the USA and around the world.


Dr. Jeremy Cox


Contact Jeremy:
Check out Jeremy's Website:


Dr. Jeremy Cox is the son of Lamar and Lucy Cox. Jeremy fulfilled the roles of outreach and evangelism coordinator and technology coordinator for 29:11 Ministries. God saved Jeremy at the early age of 8. God placed a burden on Jeremy's heart to reach out to people who the Bible clearly teaches are heading to Hell. Only the light of the Gospel and Jesus Christ can open their blind eyes.


Born: 1975 | Born-Again: 1983 (saved for 41 years)
Married to Kelly Cox, R.N.: 29 years (08/1995), and
Father to one 20-year-old son, Seth Cox.

Jeremy has served as Children’s Church Pastor for 12 years. He conducted Sunday night Bible lessons by way of an exegetical interpretation of God’s Word. He has served on the advisory board of Souls Harbor Free Will Baptist Church for 12 years. He is in good standing and has the recommendation of his pastor, Aaron Dawson. He has been preaching since 2006. Jeremy loves talking to others one-on-one. He does not do very well in a crowd but finds his place when talking one-on-one.

Jeremy now serves in a much smaller capacity. He maintains the Ministry websites voluntarily as their webmaster. Jeremy loves to serve God using the gifts he has endowed him with. For  Jeremy's educational history, check the links below.

Religious and Secular Certificates, Diplomas, and Degrees Earned and Graduated all:

Sermons: Dr. Aaron Dawson

Watch live every Sunday Morning >>> Live Every Sunday Morning

Dr. Aaron Dawson creates these archived Facebook videos to encourage and equip God's people to live, love, and Grow in full maturity as believers in Christ Jesus. 

Click on the MP4 sermon you desire below. Enjoy! Get ready to be equipped. Content added as completed—stay Tuned—more content added weekly! 

We plan to make videos of Bro. Aaron's Sunday Morning Pulpit Worship Sermons and post links when they are complete!

2025 Sunday Morning Manna

January-26-2025 - "Coming Soon" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.
January-19-2025 - "Coming Soon" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.
January-12-2025 - "Coming Soon" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.
January-05-2025 - "Coming Soon" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.


2024 Sunday Morning Manna

December 2024
12-29-2024 - "Coming Soon" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.
12-22-2024 - "Coming Soon" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.
12-15-2024 - "Coming Soon" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.
12-08-2024 - "An Invitation to be Loved" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.
12-01-2024 - "A Matter of a Goal and a Perspective" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.

November 2024
11-24-2024 - "A Means of Connection" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.
11-17-2024 - "I Need Him" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.
11-10-2024 - "When we don't want to!" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.
11-03-2024 - "I Don't Understand!" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.

October 2024
10-27-2024 - "How strong am I?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.
10-20-2024 - "What if it's Sin?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.
10-13-2024- "What about Suffering?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.
10-06-2024 - "What do I do with different?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.

September 2024
09-29-2024 - "What is Success?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.
09-22-2024 - "What is the Point to Life?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.
09-15-2024 - "What is Faith?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.
09-08-2024 - "Its all about Me" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.
09-01-2024 - "My Truth is truth" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.

August 2024
08-25-2024 - "What if I do not belong?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.
08-18-2024 - "What if I am alone?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.
08-11-2024 - "What if I am too Messed Up?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.
08-04-2024 - "What if I am Rejected?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.

July 2024
07-28-2024 - "What if I fail?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.
07-21-2024 - "How God Sees Me" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.
07-14-2024 - "Who am I, Part 2?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.
07-07-2024 - "Who are You?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.

June 2024
06-30-2024 - "Its not the What but the Who" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.
06-23-2024 - "What does Success look like?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.
06-16-2024 - "What are we committed to?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.
06-09-2024 - "It's the Little Things" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.
06-02-2024 - "What Defines Us?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.

May 2024
05-26-2024 - "Are We Prepared?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.
05-19-2024 - "What do you Need?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.
05-12-2024 - "What do I want?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.
05-05-2024 - "Who Am I?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.

April 2024
04-28-2024 - "How can I be still?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.
04-21-2024 - "He wants you close" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.
04-14-2024 - "It's You!" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.
04-07-2024 - "What did you Expect?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.

March 2024
03-31-2024 - "Don't Forget God!" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.
03-24-2024 - "I am Drowning, What can I do?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.
03-17-2024 - "Don't Forget God" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.
03-10-2024 - "What did you Expect?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.
03-03-2024 - "It's You!" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.

February 2024
02-25-2024 - "Follow Me.....Where?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.
02-18-2024 - "How's That Influence" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.
02-11-2024 - "It's a God Thing" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.
02-04-2024 - "What makes a God, A God?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.

January 2024
01-28-2024 - "Live the Truth and Be You" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.
01-21-2024 - "What made Joseph so great?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.
01-14-2024 - "What thoughts are we holding onto?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.
01-07-2024 - "Where are our eyes?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D.


2023 Sunday Morning Manna

December 2023

12-31-2023 - "Don't Be Anxious" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
12-24-2023 - "The Gift of Christmas" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
12-17-2023 - "Are We Available?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
12-10-2023 - "Because I want to" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
12-03-2023 - "God deals with me" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D

November 2023
11-26-2023 - "In not For" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
11-19-2023 - "Turn it Loose" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
11-12-2023 - "I Need You" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
11-05-2023 - "What do I believe in?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D

October 2023
10-29-2023 - "Knowing it is realby Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
10-22-202 - "Why? To Grow!" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D 
10-15-2023 -  "What could possibly be the Point?by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
10-08-2023 -  " anyone driving this thing we call life?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
10-01-2023 - "A Matter of Perspective" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D

September 2023
09-24-2023 -  "On This I stand" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
09-17-2023 - 
 "Live with Purpose, Live with Love" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
09-10-2023 - 
 "Now What?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
09-03-2023 - 
 "Are We Ready?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D

August 2023
08-27-2023 -  "Is This Me?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
08-20-2023 -  "W
here this Road Leads." by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
08-13-2023 -  "What do you want?by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
08-06-2023 - 
When my way isn't enough." by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D

July 2023
07-30-2023 -  "Live the adventure of God's reality" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
07-23-2023 -  "The center of my universe can't be me!" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
07-16-2023 -  "Have we found our place?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
07-09-2023 -  "Have we learned the Lesson?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
07-02-2023 -  "Who is the Focus?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D

June 2023
06-25-2023 - "How's my Faith?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
06-18-2023 - "Our Father's Heart for Us" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
06-11-2023 - "T
he Knowledge that He's right there" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
06-04-2023 - "Life is Hard, Now What?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D

May 2023
05-28-2023 - "Faith and Love" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
05-21-2023 - "What does it mean to serve God?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
05-14-2023 -  
Out of Town - ISC Trip to North Carolina - No Video
05-07-2023 - "What are we inclined to?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D

April 2023
04-30-2023 - "What is influencing Us?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
04-23-2023 - "Many believed upon Jesus" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
04-16-2023 - "Have to, or Want to?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
04-09-2023 - "Easter Morning Encounter" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
04-02-2023 - "Handling Depression and Disconnection" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D

March 2023
03-26-2023 - "Specifics are different in the New Seasons" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
03-19-2023 - "Reaping the Results" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
03-12-2023 - "Decision and Results" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
03-05-2023 - "Happiness" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D

February 2023
02-26-2023 - "Set Reminders of God" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
02-19-2023 - "Go forth trusting God" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
02-12-2023 - "God is our refuge" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
02-05-2023 - "Go and bring forth Fruit" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
January 2023
01-29-2023 - "God hears your prayer" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
01-22-2023 - "Abiding in Christ" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
01-15-2023 - "Pruning for you and I" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
01-08-2023 - "God is greater than our heart!" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
01-01-2023 - "Why should we Seek God Early?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D

2022 Sunday Morning Manna

December 2022
12-25-2022 - "We have a Saviour" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D - Last Sunday in 2022.
12-18-2022 - "Hope: what it really is!" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
12-11-2022 - "An Invitation to Believe" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
12-04-2022 - " "In" not "For"" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D

November 2022
11-27-2022 - "What level of Satisfaction do you have?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
11-20-2022 - "What does Success Look Like?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
11-13-2022 - "Who am I?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
11-06-2022 - "Are we really oppressed?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D

October 2022
10-30-2022 - "Does the belief, Creation or Evolution Matter?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
10-23-2022 - "His plan, His purpose, and His timing" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
10-16-2022 - "How do I love God with all my strength?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
10-09-2022 - "How do I love God with all my mind?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
10-02-2022 - "How do I love God with all my soul?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D

September 2022
09-25-2022 - "How do I Love God with all my heart?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
09-18-2022 - "Whose truth are we living by?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
09-11-2022 - "Facing Difficulties in our Lives" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
09-04-2022 - "Love thy Neighbor" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D

August 2022
08-28-2022 -"Empathy: Love thy Neighbor as thyself" by Dr. Aaron D., Ph.D
08-21-2022 - "Do you love Me?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
08-14-2022 - "Do I have God's Favor?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
08-07-2022 - "How does God want us to live?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D

July 2022
07/31/2022 - "Have you ever been offended?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
07/24/2022 - "Salvation: Is it Worth it?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
07/17/2022 - "I am fearfully and wonderfully made" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
07/10/2022 - "Expect a Hit" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
07/03/2022 - "What am I created for?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D

29:11 Ministries: Dr Aaron Dawson mini sermons

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Pathway To Victory - Dr Robert Jeffress

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