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Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Sermons: How do I love God with all my strength?


Speaker: Pastor Aaron Dawson
Message: "How do I love God with all my strength?"
Text: Mark 12:30

And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.

King James Version (KJV)

Loving God with all our strength looks like what? 

Strength = "force, power, abilities"

What can I accomplish with what I have?

What has God given us skills for? Why?

God has given us these to point people to God!

We are to be a light on a hill.

Simply be "HIS". Abilities should shine others to God which Honors God!

 Sermon Series on Loving God:

09-25-2022 - "How do I Love God with all my heart?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
10-02-2022 - "How do I love God with all my soul?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
10-09-2022 - "How do I love God with all my mind?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
10-16-2022 - "How do I love God with all my strength?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Happy Thanksgiving

Are you saved? Do you know for sure? Are you headed to heaven? You can know for sure! READ CHICK TRACTS ONLINE VIA GOOGLE SLIDES. All Chick Tracts are owned and copyrighted from Chick Publications©. To order tracts from them go to


Happy Halloween

Are you saved? Do you know for sure? Are you headed to heaven? You can know for sure! READ CHICK TRACTS ONLINE VIA GOOGLE SLIDES. All Chick Tracts are owned and copyrighted from Chick Publications©. To order tracts from them go to

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Sermons: How do I love God with all my mind?


Sermon: "How do I love God with all my mind?"
Speaker: Dr Aaron Dawson
Text: Mark 12:30

And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.

King James Version (KJV)

Mind = Imagination

Understanding God - The way God wants us to love and serve Him.

1) We have the Bible. The best source of Who God is, The Bible, The Word of God!

2) We have the Holy Spirit.

How are we using our imagination. Are we using it for God. All to demonstrate our love for Him.

Love God with our mind, our understanding and our imagination.

 Sermon Series on Loving God:

09-25-2022 - "How do I Love God with all my heart?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
10-02-2022 - "How do I love God with all my soul?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
10-09-2022 - "How do I love God with all my mind?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
10-16-2022 - "How do I love God with all my strength?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D

Sermons: How do I love God with all my soul?

Sermon: "How do I love God with all my soul?"
Speaker: Dr Aaron Dawson
Text: Mark 12:30

And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.

King James Version (KJV)

What are we putting our energy into? Where is our passion? What is it we put our focus on? 
With all our focus and might, we are to love God foremost and others as Christ loved us.
What is it that we can do today for God? Love GOD with our focus, our love, all our soul!

 Sermon Series on Loving God:

09-25-2022 - "How do I Love God with all my heart?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
10-02-2022 - "How do I love God with all my soul?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
10-09-2022 - "How do I love God with all my mind?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D
10-16-2022 - "How do I love God with all my strength?" by Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D

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