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Thursday, December 29, 2022


Speaker: Dr Aaron Dawson
Message: An invitation to believe
Believe in the God that believes in You!
Mary is challenged.
Obey and reap a blessing!

Do you recognize what God Believes? God see someone who is specific traits, times, and will! God picked you and is calling you to Believe and what He is going to do!


Speaker: Dr Aaron Dawson
Sermon Text: Phillipians 4
Message: What is our level of Satisfaction?

God said not to be anxious or be overwhelmed.
The peace of God will keep your minds and heart thru Christ Jesus!
Look to God to bring satisfaction. Where are your satisfactions?
Be thankful and blessed!


What does Success Look Like? How do we define Success?

Exodus 3
God hears the Israelites in their bondage!

God wants to send Moses to deliver His People from bondage. Success is not what the world defines success! God answers Moses, that He would be with Moses. Why do we gauge our success on human terms? Success = Stop looking thru the lense of success on us and put it on God. How does God see it? Our success is measured by our obedience to God. Success is defined by God not by man!

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Sermons: Who am I?


Today's Thought: Who am I ?
Speaker: Dr. Aaron Dawson, Ph.D

Make us who you want us to, Oh, God!
What are you called for? Pursue God
and find out whar your purpose is!
God establishes the path. Have you asked
God what or who He wants you to Impact?

This life is about pursuing God and living out
His will in your life! Walk God's path! God
made us, go to Him and be amazed!

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Happy Thanksgiving

Are you saved? Do you know for sure? Are you headed to heaven? You can know for sure! READ CHICK TRACTS ONLINE VIA GOOGLE SLIDES. All Chick Tracts are owned and copyrighted from Chick Publications©. To order tracts from them go to

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