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Monday, January 30, 2023

Sermons: Why should we seek God Early?

 Seeking God Early

Why should we seek God early?
4 self's:
1) past
2) present
3) ideal
4) social

What are we IN HIM? More than Conquerers.
Seek GOD Early so we have a Guide in life. He is in control in every situation.

Sermons: We have a Saviour

 Luke 2

Christmas Day: 
We Have a Saviour!

We can live because of What Jesus did! Not us but Him!!!

Sermons: Hope: What it really is!



Hope: What it really is!

1. We need to be watching for God to be working.
2. We need to be doing what God called us to do.

(Luke 12)

Thursday, December 29, 2022


Speaker: Dr Aaron Dawson
Message: An invitation to believe
Believe in the God that believes in You!
Mary is challenged.
Obey and reap a blessing!

Do you recognize what God Believes? God see someone who is specific traits, times, and will! God picked you and is calling you to Believe and what He is going to do!


Speaker: Dr Aaron Dawson
Sermon Text: Phillipians 4
Message: What is our level of Satisfaction?

God said not to be anxious or be overwhelmed.
The peace of God will keep your minds and heart thru Christ Jesus!
Look to God to bring satisfaction. Where are your satisfactions?
Be thankful and blessed!

29:11 Ministries: Dr Aaron Dawson mini sermons

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