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Saturday, April 8, 2023

Sermons: Decision and Results

 Genesis 28 - Decisions and Results

Jacob is on the run and dreams

What's Next? God has already have His help for you.
God has a plan for you and your a part of it.

I am going to carry out my plan for you - God!
God will not abandon His Children.
He sets up a memorial and reminder that He met with God.
There is a plan.

Sermons: Happiness

 "Happiness" by Dr. Aaron Dawson
Text: Psalms 25

Look for a good relationship with God. Let God lead you to it. Show us oh God thy ways!
Lead me into thy truths. Teach me oh God how I should live!

Ps. 37, Trust in God. The way you have committed unto God, Bless us oh God!

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Sermons: Have reminders about God in our lives


Having reminders about God in our lives!

Be careful you do not forget God!

Sermons: Go Forth Trusting God

Genesis 12 - Go forth - You are blessed


Go, trusting in God's direction. Build an altar and seek God!

Living, certain of one thing! Walking with God! Seek God early. 

Move forward, grow in your walk with God.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Sermons: God is our Refuge - Ps 46


Text: Psalms 46:1-8

God is our confidence and basis.

God is our refuge and strength.

If we are to find stability, God must be the source of our confidence.

The God of Jacob is our stronghold!

29:11 Ministries: Dr Aaron Dawson mini sermons

The Creation Podcast - ICR

Living Waters

Pathway To Victory - Dr Robert Jeffress

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